Find the right motorcycle spare parts

Find the right motorcycle spare parts


We brought the bike back, now installed in our garage workshop . We also examined and diagnosed our motorcycle , which led us to list all the spare parts we will need for the restoration.

So here is the most tedious part of this hectic story to say the least. Few twists and turns when looking for parts, but you still have to find good sources for spare parts. There are several choices: buy in France or buy abroad. Then the question arises as to what type of room to choose.

Most important when you want to restore / restore a motorcycle? Find the parts! Especially for a motorcycle of a certain age, or even of a certain age, as is the case with the Kawasaki ZX-6R 636 . 18 years old, the little one… Almost of age and vaccinated. Finally, for his vaccines, they are no more up to date than mine. I’ll try not to catch tetanus: rust is everywhere. But back to the parts. Obviously, manufacturers have stock, but they charge for it. Often expensive. Kawasaki is no exception to the rule.

Once again, the Internet is a valuable ally in finding original or completely original motorcycle parts, but less expensive. Whether it is “OEM” or “Genuine Part”, as we say when we want to do pro, used or simply adaptable, or even used we find (of) everything in the world of parts. In my case, the choice is simple: for small parts, less expensive, or for essential and vital parts, no need to run, I go through Kawasaki . For the rest, I rack my brains. And if I continue like this, it will end up empty.

A complete search: spare part and serviceScrews and metal parts
At first, I am looking for an optical unit, spark plugs, engine oil, fork oil, coolant, brake fluid, brake hoses and .. a cylinder head gasket. Just that. Fastoche, right? I’m also missing some fairing hardware and engine hardware. Ah and incidentally, it lacks a whole fairing or almost, as well as some engine screws and other elements, mainly electrical. But to start, we will have to have the candle well repaired. So I will have several sources to look for: spare parts suppliers and service providers. To do this, I do like everyone else, I googling.

Purchase of used or adaptable part

Internet greatly facilitates operations, especially with my small budget . My first instinct for parts? The good corner. The prices are very variable, just like the condition of the parts and you have to be patient to find the right item at the right price. But we can now make an offer and calculate the delivery rates. The latest version Optical unit and tank to findeven offers the possibility of choosing between delivery on site or by post. With a little time and the right keywords, without forgetting that part of luck that we don’t always imagine having, we achieve surprising results.

Going through the occasion or the adaptable, I divide by 2, 3 or even 10 the price of parts and elements. I therefore prefer this track, still in the area of ​​the Paris region. Luckily, there are quite a few parts available for the 636. Is Murphy missing subscribers?

So I’m looking for:

an optical unit
a reservoir
a front electrical harness

Purchase of consumables and new parts

Internet responds directly or indirectly to my request, I often prefer human contact. So, if Google is once again my friend for life, it does not replace another network: that of dealers. I went to the Kawasaki dealers to buy new parts: screws, hardware and small plastic parts, as well as an oil filter and a gasket, for the drain.

One possible solution: repair rather than replacement of the part

The Internet also makes it possible quite simply to put in contact with the right people, through the description of certain activities and customer reviews. Better yet, I discover while browsing very good addresses. My new benchmark sites in France, whether online stores or motorcycle equipment and accessories stores. Addresses that I am happy to share today, so that you don’t have to search for too long: I have tested and approved. Or not. We are going to see him.

I also like to focus my choice and my curiosity on motorcycle professionals or craftsmen whose know-how still impresses me as much. Repairing is often less expensive than buying a part. Repairing is an interesting option, which allows you to keep the original quality while making sure that you don’t have any problems afterwards. A track not to be overlooked. I therefore lean for the repair as regards:

Motor Bike