Motorcycle insurance: how to find the right contract at the best price?

Motorcycle insurance: how to find the right contract at the best price?


compulsory to ride a racing car, motorcycle insurance can weigh heavily on the budget if you don’t take the time to choose your formula. Here are the three points not to be cheap car insurance overlooked according to our partner, editor of this content.

What are your motorcycle insurance needs?

Before choosing his motorcycle insurance contract , the future insured must take stock of his real needs according to his two-wheeler. Insuring a sports car will not cost the same as a road car, even if their displacement is identical. In the same way, the contributions will differ if your machine is new or bought second-hand and according to this criterion, if you wish to insure it to the third party – minimum guarantee covering only the damage caused to others – or opt for cover “all”. risks ”.

However, be careful not to try at all costs to save money by setting aside useful options such as theft. The ICA Club (protection of two-wheelers and their driver) published edifying figures: in 2016, 55,400 two-wheelers, “scooters” and motorcycles – all equipped with an anti-theft system – were stolen , or a device all stolen , or a device all stolen. the ten minutes. Even if you think your motorcycle is well protected, don’t neglect a theft cover.

Don’t forget your equipment! We do not always think of insuring our helmet or its combination and yet their replacement can weigh heavily on your budget! These options can be added to a third party guarantee.

Check the guarantees offered by motorcycle contracts

For the same level of so-called “all risks” coverage, insurers can offer different guarantees and, consequently, variable reimbursements. Some automatically offer insurance against theft of accessories, for example, while for others, it remains an option. Likewise, the amounts of compensation, always for the higher level of cover, may vary from one organization to another as recalled

IMPORTANT: as for auto insurance contracts, check the amount of the deductibles! An insurer can attract you with very low contributions that hide excessively expensive deductibles!

Compare the amount of contributions!

Online insurance comparators are an ideal tool to review the different offers on the market and find the one that combines the best quality / price ratio! Sometimes, it is preferable to pay higher contributions so as not to have unpleasant surprises in the event of claims such as compensation conditions impossible to fulfill or too little coverage.

Watch out for the additional premium for young drivers ! Some insurers take advantage of the inexperience of young bikers to excessively increase their rates. Again: negotiate! In addition, some training such as accompanied driving can lower the amount of your motorcycle insurance.

Motor Bike